News & Events
5G-EPICENTRE Plenary Meeting
The 5G-EPICENTRE project Plenary Meeting took place at Berlin, Germany between the 28th and 29th of November 2023. The two-day Plenary Meeting was hosted by HHI Fraunhofer.
The plenary meeting also offered a great opportunity for the Consortium to meet and synchronize their upcoming activities towards the finalization of the project.
The meeting was opened by the Coordinator, who set the agenda and posed the main management milestones of the project. Afterward, the Work Package leaders presented the progress of the core Tasks of the project, while discussing in person any potential barriers and bottlenecks. During the WPs sessions status updates were provided, with a description of the work performed and the next milestones, during the last period of the project.

In addition, during the plenary meeting, the roadmap and the main core actions were co-decided, while the most suitable propositions were adopted after fruitful discussions by all partners. Special emphasis was given both on technical work and the testing of the 5G-EPICENTRE platform, the progress of the eight (8) Use Cases and their compilation, the experimentation program of 5G-EPICENTRE and more specifically on the Project’s Dissemination and Communication actions. Last but not least, on the first day of the meeting, a demonstration on the project’s results took place.