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5G-EPICENTRE @ IEEE Future Networks World Forum

It is our pleasure to announce that the 5G-EPICENTRE Project and the consortium partners will participate in the Symposium on Public Protection and Disaster Relief/Emergency and Crisis Management at the upcoming IEEE Future Networks World Forum


Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) has come into increased attention due to recent disasters (fires, floods, heat waves, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions), as well major events (World Cup, World Youth Day and now the Euro 2024 and the Olympic Games). The need to provide increased situation awareness and decision-making, supporting C&C and then empowering first responders, requires improved, flexible, integrated connectivity to the field. 5G was recognised, already in the EU2016 5G Action Plan as a means to extend existing capabilities, enabling broadband connectivity to security forces and first responders.


The Symposium will be held in Dubai, UAE, from the 15th to 17th of October 2024.  The purpose of the symposium and the conference is to bring together all relevant 5G-PPP and 6G-SNS projects with a call for papers open. The accepted papers of the symposium will be included in IEEE Xplore. 


In addition, this Symposium will provide an opportunity to highlight recent contributions to 5G for PPDR as well as eHealth, and discuss how best to integrate such capabilities with existing (PMR, TETRA/Tetrapol) solutions, with a view towards deployment.  Finally, the next step towards a common European Critical Communication System will also be discussed. 


5G-EPICENTRE along with other 5G-PPP projects will participate actively with their research and real-life application demos, focusing on real-life solutions, deployment & testing and validation in the real-world, and concrete use cases.